Monday, January 18, 2010

There’s no story I can tell you that is as powerful as the story you tell yourself

After clicking onto anonymous blogs one after the other a common theme has prevailed; "self indulgence". This observation has inspired my first blog to be somewhat critical of the blogging community. Hello bloggers, My name is [insert name] and here is my life story in numbing detail and excruciating hypotheticals.

My general aim is to blog about life as I see it and how others see it. If I ever start detailing my journey to the supermarket and doctors surgery please cyber-punch me and un-follow me immediately.

C x

Creative Commons License
Loyalties Of Life by Christal A is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License.
Based on a work at


  1. Imagine a world without hypothetical situations...

  2. In that world i would imagine a loss of imagination and people consequently leading two dimensional lives like card board cut outs. However is it at all necessary to hypothesise about your cat's number one favorite food and would it still be their favorite food if you fed your cat that one meal for the rest of it's life??

