Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dating Guys my Own Age and the Buggery of Facebook IV (finale)

After a relaxing summer filled with friends, parties, sangria and beach balls.. I started feeling anxious.. what was it? did I leave the kettle on? NO. Iron? No, I don't straightener? (possibly)..."Oh Darnit!!!" I stop kicking sand at my brother immediately and stand still - copping a sand bomb in the stomach. "I have to go! I need to break up with my boyfriend" I tell my brother. "You're what!?!" he presses. "You know... boyfriend...are you the only person under 25 who does not check Facebook twice a day?" I nag him..."I really do have to go I can't even begin to explain it either". Leaving my brother stunned and a lonely sand kicker, I march home.

You see, my plan B. was quite complex. I could not break up with him on Christmas or New years (please refer to previous post) but I did not want to physically put myself in my new relationship so to speak. I needed reasons NOT to see him.

My excuses between the 24th of December - 9th January

1. It's Christmas and I have family duties........24/ a secret hide out...with limited phone reception...
2. "I am actually going on holidays.. I'm leaving in 5 minutes.. can't talk now byeeeee"
3. I have a suspicious rash, I don't know how I got it...It might even be a late outbreak of SARS or even Menningococcal...

Needless to say, I was trying to physically escape the relationship which had been branded all over cyber-space.

I got home, poured a big glass of water and started practising my break up speech. Today was the day I said I would call after I received the all clear on the Menningococcal front.

Everything was right to go.. I had waited until after the Christmas and New Years period..I had not led him to believe anything more than he had already thought and I had personalised a break up speech...everything was lined up...Until he showed up!

My Facebook relationship was colliding with my real life. Standing in the kitchen wet, sandy, red cheeks from the sun peeking out from under my oversize beach hat - I look up to see 'Jamie' knocking at the back door with a sheepish expression on his face.

Oh crap crap crap crap crap CRAP!

There was no escaping, he had already seen me through the glass door.

I pull myself together, take a deep breathe and tell myself "come on, be a man, he had no right to announce a relationship with you on Facebook without prior warning and due notification.".

I always forget how tall 'Jamie' is and it takes me aback as I open the door. By a rough estimate I would place him at 6"4. His tall frame towers over my 5"3 physique and I have to stand back so I can comfortably look at him while speaking to each other.

I invite 'Jamie' in - I can tell he anxious about seeing me so I try and uplift the mood by talking about mutual friends and what has been happening lately since New Years. I avoid talking about his feelings and depression surrounding Christmas and family at all costs.

Before I could offer 'Jamie' some lunch, my brother storms in. "You can't just say you have a boyfriend and storm off!.. wtf!!". His face is red and looks some what irritated.

'Jamie' turns to my brother like an angry giant ready for war, he assesses his enemy.. looking him up and down - his nostrils flaring, his face tightens.. "That would be me" he says in a deep angry voice. Before either of us could correct him, 'Jamie' turns to me "So, how long have you been seeing this guy? hey!! I should of known you weren't sick or away with family..It's over, we are finished!!!" his voice cracks on the last few words..I felt a pang of guilt and sadness. 'Jamie' does not linger - he walks out with so much force, my brother and I freeze giving 'Jamie' open access to a dramatic walk out. I put my finger to my lip to motion to my brother to remain silent.

The door slams and 'Jamie' is gone.

After filling my brother in we decide to check Facebook. As suspected, 'Jamie' has changed his relationship status via his iphone just minutes after he left the house. All of the people who congratulated him on his 'in a relationship' status were now commenting on his single status. The replies ranged from shock and confusion to 'women hating' and sympathetic condolences.

I wish I felt relieved..However even though in my eyes the relationship was never 'real' - 'Jamie' thought it was and so did his 300 or so 'friends' on Facebook, was it real???


my brother affectionately slaps me on the cheek - "are you kidding me with this?... Let's follow on with this thing.. post break up pig get the chocolate block and ice cream and I'll pretend to hate 'There's something about Mary'".

With that I closed the chapter on yet another failed 'relationship', my shortest one since year 3 which lasted 2 days.

((I have since been in contact with Jamie and explained that the guy who walked in was actually my brother and so he clearly got the wrong idea.. however I was planning on breaking up with him that afternoon had it not been for the misunderstanding... we are on friendly terms and hopefully one day he will find someone who he is totally compatible with and who is as equally excited to be in a relationship))

Creative Commons License
Loyalties Of Life by Christal A is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License.
Based on a work at

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